Thursday, September 26, 2013


All term we have been practicing and finally it is time to show off our talent!!!

Wednesday the 25th of September 2013, was the day that Fordell school had their Jabberwocky production. Everyone got to go on stage which was great!!! In the play I acted Martin. He was the hero of the story but not the main character. This play was hilarious!! The audience couldn't stop laughing!!!

I thought the part when the Mayoress kicked the Mayor was the best but really there are lots of other parts that were great!!!I really thought the Jabberwocky was very successful to finish the term!!!

Book week!!!

It was book week for Fordell school and we had a lot going on! On Monday we had Stu Duval come and visit us to tell us a story. He made the story up with us and after that he talked to Room 1 and 2 about writing and drawing.  Our school had a lot of competitions going on all week! The book cover challenge, the book mark challenge, the big book challenge and book quiz!!! In this time we also had Mathex and Fordell school had one year five team, two year six teams, one year seven team and one year eight team. All of these teams did very well. The year five team got first, one of the year six team got second and the other year six team did very well, the year seven team got second and the year eight team got fifth!! WOW!! We have had a busy week and to finish it all off Fordell school went to the Mangamahu cross country. Fordell school  did very well and won the shield again!!!
I think this week has been fantastic!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Cross Country!!!

Fordell school has been running, running and running and it has all paid off!! Yesterday it was the Fordell school cross country and a wonderful day to have it! The sun was shinning brightly and everyone was ready to run a race and do their best. It was a house challenge again so nearly everyone was in their house colours. The points were added up in the end but there was a race everyone was going to run! The year 1's had to do one small lap , year 2's had to do two small laps, year 3's had to do three small laps , year 4's had to do one small and one huge lap, year 5's had to do one small lap one huge lap and then one small lap again, year 6's had to do one small lap one huge lap and then two small laps, year 7's and 8's had to do one small lap and two huge laps and the pre-school had to do run around a post.  At the end everyone was very tired and a lot of them got a prize!!! Soon the house results would be announced and their would be only one winner!! It was very exciting. The winner was ............... Kowhai ! Second was Tawa and third was Miro! I hope everyone had a great day.

Science Fair

It has been a long time and finally we have all finished! Over the last few weeks year 6's, 7's and 8's got the opportunity to do a science project. The ones who wanted to go up for the challenge  had to choose a topic and a question and find it out. Renee and I chose a topic about cupcakes and our question which was "Does the colour of the food affect the enjoyment of the taste?" Now, this was a fun experiment to do and to do it we had to bake a type of food which was cupcakes and make them all different colours. Then we would had to test people by seeing which colour of the food was their favourite and write down their age and their name. Soon after, we were ready to start putting all the information on our science boards that we were given. Renee and I made our one colourful and painted it. Not too long after that we typed out the information and stuck it on the board. It was a great idea to put photos on the board and Renee and I did put a lot of photos on our board. Our science boards got put into WIS to be judged. It was exciting waiting to see the scores of our boards. All the children who did a science board went to WIS to see all the other boards to get ideas for next year. I really enjoyed the trip and seeing all the different boards and science. Today Mr. Walker got an email from WIS to tell us the scores. All of our boards got a good score and I am very proud of Renees and mine because we worked really hard on it and it did turn out amazing! So did everyone elses so they should be proud of themselves as well!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Flying Frogs

There are a lot of frogs in the world so many that it's hard to choose what's your favourite! This is one of the most incredible frogs in the world! The flying frog! Here are three things you are going to learn about flying frogs.

Firstly, how they fly. These amazing animals can't fly but they can glide. Flying frogs normally glide from tree to tree or log to log. They use their webbed hands and feet for control as they glide through the air.

Wouldn't it be nice to know where these froggy friends are found? Well, it's time to know.  You would find them in lowland forest in the middle of agricultural land crisscrossed by farmers and buffalo lands. You could also find them in ponds in forests with a lot of slimy logs.

Lastly, what types are there of flying frogs. These frogs are just called flying frogs ,nothing too interesting. You would be very lucky if you did find a flying frog because there are not a lot of them in the world.

It is very hard to choose your favourite frog but as you see this is the most interesting frog of all, the flying frog.

This is the golden bell frog which was living in our water trough.
It looked very happy there with a friend to keep himself safe.